journey starts with knowing oneself well and moves to loving
others. For some it works the other way around.
No matter what one’s faith
or lack of it, we are all searching. Searching for meaning
in our lives and wanting to make a difference. It helps
to have companions who share our beliefs and support our
deepest yearnings.
For some this comes naturally, for
others it comes at a time of transition or crisis. Some
people call these moments grace; I see them as God working
in the world even in difficult times. To grow as a human
being is to more fully reflect the image of God.
Consider the times
and places you have met God. See below for a start. Click on picture to enlarge.
God Help Me! These
People Are Driving Me Nuts – Making Peace with Difficult
People by Gregory Popcak (Loyola Press, 2001, 800-621-1008)
Offers ways to apply our Christian beliefs in dealing with difficult
relationships. Uses engaging case studies and challenging exercises.
God Knows We Get
Angry – Healthy Ways to Deal with It (Sorin Books, 2002,
Stories and exercises to assist in the journey from anger and resentments
to forgiveness and freedom from memories of hurt and rejection.
To Celebrate: Reshaping
Holidays and Rites of Passage, 225-pg. book from Alternatives.
$5 + s/h (800) 821-6153,
"Work of Human
Hands" catalog.
Call (800) 422-5915 to request a free individual retail catalog from
Catholic Relief Services, in partnership with SERRV International
Planet Earth supports our lives. We must take care
of it. In Pope Francis’ encyclical, LAUDATO SI’, he calls
not only on Catholics, but all humanity to care more vigorously for
Here are 2 ways:
EASY: Some of us are just starting to awaken to the need to care
for creation, or have been busy with jobs, raising a family, or other
justice commitments. We may not have much discretionary time. OR, it
may simply be a relief to note that, “Hey, I’m already
doing this one!” Good.
A CHALLENGE: Others have been engaged in the environmental movement
for awhile and are ready to take a bigger step and multiply your efforts
by going beyond your own individual lifestyle to make a bigger impact.
Then, try the challenge of influencing systemic change in your
neighborhood, city, country, the world.
Either way, pick whichever fits your ability this week and do something.
To sign up for Monthly Leadership ECO-TIPS click
To sign up for Weekly individual ECO-TIPS click here.
1. FOOD - Because cows
produce methane which contributes to
global warming -
EASY: Choose 1 day this week to eat no meat - perhaps a Friday
CHALLENGING: Choose 1 week/month to eat no meat. If you are already
a vegetarian, fast from food (except water) for 1 day to be in solidarity
with those who don't have a choice.
EASY: This week pay attention to turning off lights when you aren’t
in a room.
CHALLENGING: Replace all incandescent light bulbs in your home with
LED light bulbs. Bonus: Talk to your office, place of worship, etc.
about doing the same.
EASY: Buy laundry strips (Earth
Breeze or Tru
for your washing machine instead of a liquid or pod packaged in plastic.
CHALLENGING: Write to the head of a corporation that makes laundry
detergent (like Proctor & Gamble based in Cincinnati) and urge
them to reduce plastic packaging.
EASY: When making paper copies, print on both sides of the paper; use
narrow margins
CHALLENGING: Convert paper files to digital ones. Recycle old paper
EASY: Walk or bike when going somewhere under a mile.
CHALLENGING: Buy a hybrid or electric car.
EASY: Assess: On your next grocery trip, take stock of how many items
you buy packaged in plastic.
CHALLENGING: Pick at least one item you usually buy that comes in plastic
packaging and find a substitute. Example: make your own yogurt, grow
your own fruits/vegetables.
EASY: Don’t buy bottled water. Take your own reusable bottle
with you.
CHALLENGING: Ask organizations you belong to (church, civic, social,
etc.) to provide washable cups, or other alternatives to bottled water
at gatherings.
EASY: Commit to spend at least 30 min. a week in nature (walk in the
woods, plant something…)
CHALLENGING: Support a local nature organization with your money or
volunteer work. For example, Green
Umbrella in Cincinnati)
EASY: Write a short letter to the editor in support of a local environmental
CHALLENGING: Advocate for environmentally friendly legislation and
policies with your local, state, or national government.
EASY: Cleaning is important, but cleaning products often come in plastic
containers. This week count how many of your home cleaning supplies
come in plastic containers?
CHALLENGING: Research which cleaning products can be put in curbside
recycling, which you can substitute other products for, and if there
are any Zero Waste stores near you.
12. CELEBRATE (Easter/Earth Day)
EASY: Celebrate Easter (Apr. 17) and/or Earth Day (Apr. 22) by honoring
new life. Find something that was dead in nature and something that
is beginning to come alive. Alternate expanded version:
EASY: Celebrate Earth Day (April 22, 2022) for a day, a week, or a whole month
by honoring new life. This coincides with the new life of Easter (April 17),
the end of Passover(April 23), and of Ramadan (May 1). Find something that was
dead in nature and something that is beginning to come alive.
CHALLENGING: Search your memory for any actions you’ve taken
this past month to help a person, plant, or animal thrive. Commit
to one additional act to reduce a negative impact your lifestyle
have on planet earth next month.
EASY: Take reusable bags to use at the
grocery store. Keep some in your car for miscellaneous. purchases.
CHALLENGING: Diapers – Cloth diapers may seem old fashioned but since you can reuse them, they are significantly less expensive than disposable plastic diapers. In addition, you’ve got rags for a lifetime.
EASY: Calculate your carbon footprint. Two free ways are available
here and here
CHALLENGING: Reduce your carbon footprint by 5%.
EASY: Plant something. Anything will count, but a seed or seedling that will grow into a food is ideal.
CHALLENGING: Organize a campaign to clean up and take care of a public green space in your neighborhood or town.
EASY: Make cards instead of buying them or perhaps send an e-card. Personalizing the card is a gift in itself.
CHALLENGING: Wrap a gift in a paper bag
and decorate it. Maybe use comics from the newspaper, etc. Re-use wrapping
paper, boxes, or bags from prior years. You keep these don’t you? :-)
17. FOOD
EASY: When possible, patronize farmer’s markets and buy fresh products in season.
CHALLENGING: Join a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) group. Google “CSA” to find one near your home.
EASY: When ordering take-out food for home, remind the vendor that you don’t need plastic cutlery. They can skip the napkin too since presumably you have some at home.
CHALLENGING: If you’re not taking your carry out food home, keep a spork (combined spoon, fork, knife) or metal cutlery set with you so you can still “Skip
the Stuff” that’s
EASY: Run full loads in your dishwasher, washer, and dryer (or be adventurous
and dry your sheets and other flat items on a clothes line.)
CHALLENGING: If possible, transition to renewable
energy - Solar, Wind, or
Bonus: Consider installing one of these in a school, house of worship, office
EASY: Take care of the clothes you already have. Buy only the clothes you need. Consider
second hand clothing options.
CHALLENGING: Purchase clothing made of natural fibers. Avoid petroleum-based
fabrics such as nylon, polyester, and fleece.
EASY: Drive less; walk/bike more. (This doubles as exercise so you don’t
need a gym.)
CHALLENGING: Consider a car-free day once a week. (Maybe once a month?)
EASY: Subscribe to environmental news like YES magazine,
Sierra Club. Read (or re-read) Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato
CHALLENGING: Learn about the practices of indigenous people. What native
Americans originally occupied your part of the country?
EASY: Learn about the global Plastic
Free July. Do it
for a week. OR, join the Cincinnati area Plastic Free July Ecochallenge team
CHALLENGING: Join Plastic Free July for the whole month.
EASY: Share: tools with neighbors. Think lawn mower, shovels, drills, saws…
CHALLENGING: Color code glasses, dishes, and other possessions to reduce washing,
duplication, sanitation. For example, each child has their own color cup, or
put a colored rubber band or other marking device to distinguish one person’s
possession from another’s.
EASY: Avoid cleaning products that come packaged
in a lot of plastic.
CHALLENGING: Some online stores that specialize in environmentally friendly
cleaning products are Blueland,
CleanCult, Dropps,
Breeze, TruEarth.
Of course transportation offsets some ecological purity and often these are
more expensive. You can try making your own cleaners if you have time and
want to research it on Google.
EASY: Instead of paper napkins, use cloth napkins – Color code for
each family member so they can be reused for up to a week. Wash. Reuse.
CHALLENGING: Advocate with your employer to make environmentally friendly
steps in your workplace. Example: reduce unnecessary copying and recycle
left over
papers after meetings.
EASY: Household lighting may not be the biggest
energy suck, but it is something you have control over. For 1 day, try turning
off unnecessary lights whenever you leave
a room.
CHALLENGING: Make it a habit - continue turning
off unused lights for a month, OR commit to doing an Energy Audit for systemic
change. Click
here or here for background
on how.
EASY: Keep a reusable water bottle or beverage cup in your car to avoid plastic
CHALLENGING: Write to a major retailer in your community. Offer feedback on
their business models. For example, do they use excess plastic in their packaging?
EASY: Decluttering tip: Not everything has to be stored in your house. (Think
extra sheets, toys, canned goods…) That’s what stores are for.
CHALLENGING: Walk through each room in your home.
Notice what you use often vs. what are mementos or “just in case” items.
Make 3 piles: Save, Donate and Discard. Do something with the donate and discard
piles. Click
here for ideas.
EASY: Instead of a plastic gift card, make your
own gift card accompanied by cash. If you already have plastic cards, reload
them instead of replacing
them with new ones.
CHALLENGING: Give an experience instead of a physical gift
31. FOOD
EASY: Food shopping: When possible, patronize local farmer’s markets;
Buy fresh.
CHALLENGING: Even better: Grow many vegetables,
fruit, produce at home.
32. COOLING & HEATING – Part 1
EASY: AC & Heating. In summer avoid AC
until it’s 78°; In
winter set heat to go on at 68°
CHALLENGING: Invest in a programable thermostat to make these changes easy
so you don’t cool or heat your home when no one is there.
33. COOLING & HEATING – Part 2
EASY: Buy a ceiling fan. In warm weather run it counter-clockwise to cool.
In cold weather run it clockwise to force warm air down into the living space.
CHALLENGING: Reduce or eliminate the use of home air-conditioning. Substitute
fans or a whole house fan if possible.
EASY: Do not let water run while doing tasks.
CHALLENGING: Install low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators.
EASY: Reflect #1: Take some time to reflect on the past month. What worked?
What didn't? What did you learn?
CHALLENGING: Reflect #2: Every action has consequences. Become aware of
the outcome of your actions, reduce your impact on others, and walk lightly
Earth. Consider these practices to be a spiritual discipline.
EASY: At home, avoid using paper, plastic, and Styrofoam plates, cups, and
CHALLENGING: Propose reducing/eliminating paper, plastic, and Styrofoam plates,
cups, and utensils at your workplace, where you shop, school, factory
EASY: Keep reusable water bottle/coffee mug, shopping bags in car
CHALLENGING: Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle such as a hybrid or electric car.
EASY: Take a short shower rather than a bath, and shower less often
CHALLENGING: Install a solar water heating unit.
EASY: What clothes are ‘best’ to wear and purchase? The ones you
already have
CHALLENGING: Buy less, skip the trendy fast fashion! Think about purchasing
high quality and lasting items.
EASY: Generally, clean glass bottles and jars can be recycled in most curbside
recycling programs. Do it. (The metal lid can also be recycled but remove it
from the jar.)
CHALLENGING: Drinking glasses, light bulbs, mirrors,
window glass are generally not accepted in curbside programs. Recycle light
bulbs through hardware stores
like Home Depot or Lowes. Donate mirrors to a thrift store. Become a recycling
expert for your community by googling ways to recycle specialized glass products.
EASY: Keep vegetable bags for reuse at grocery
CHALLENGING: Buy loose products (without plastic wrapping) as much as possible.
Reduce frozen food that comes in plastic packaging. Buy fresh when possible.
EASY: Swap clothing with friends and neighbors!
CHALLENGING: Reduce microfibers from entering waterways and the atmosphere
by washing your clothes less often, spot clean as needed, and air dry clothing.
Mend and patch to extend the life of clothing.
EASY: As a gift to the environment…spend one evening a week in candlelight
with all of the electric lights off.
CHALLENGING: As a gift to your community, do a family service project together.
EASY: Pray: for nature, for leaders to support environmentally sustainable
CHALLENGING: Talk to your pastor, rabbi, faith
leader, etc. about mentioning during a religious service how the climate
crisis is a spiritual crisis reflecting
we humans putting the planet in danger and jeopardizing future generations.
EASY: With colder weather
impacting most of the northern hemisphere, resist the
urge to turn the thermostat up to 72°. Wear layers. Put on a sweater
(or two). Aim for 68° or even lower.
CHALLENGING: Assess the need to increase wall/roof
insulation or buy new energy efficient windows with a low "U rating." Act
on your research.
46. GIFT GIVING - Christmas
EASY: Give quality/interesting gifts that you
already have but no longer need. Donate to a cause in someone's name. For a
Plastic-Free, Zero-Waste Gift Guide click
CHALLENGING: If you have a talent, hand-make a gift or offer a service instead
of buying something. Instead of buying plastic or inflatable lawn decorations,
create a scene with sleds, snow people, etc.
EASY: Avoid things with glitter. Glitters are made from micro-plastics and are
ingested and detrimental to fish, birds and other wildlife.
CHALLENGING: Buy in bulk rather than individually wrapped items. Check out
local “Zero
Waste” stores and fill your own reusable containers.
EASY: Hopefully you’ve received a nice Christmas present or two. Identify
one current possession that you no longer need and donate it to someone who
does need it.
CHALLENGING: Choose one room or closet to do a deep dive decluttering day.
If relatives or friends don’t want your extra stuff, research the best
places to recycle or dispose of them. Act within the month.
EASY: Read the short REDUCE section of Global Stewards’ Green
Eco Tips for Sustainable Living
CHALLENGING: Choose at least 1 item from Global Stewads that you are not already
doing and act on it this week.
IMPOSSIBLE: Read all of the comprehensive Global
Stewards website and see if you can do 99%. This is such an exhaustive list it is virtually
impossible to do everything but see how far you can get.
EASY: Pray for vulnerable peoples and species, those affected by the climate
emergency and biodiversity crisis
CHALLENGING: Act on your prayer. Advocate for environmentally friendly policies
in your community, place of worship, the world. This usually means attending
meetings, signing petitions, getting political.
EASY: Use the cold water setting when using
a washing machine. Your clothes will get just as clean. Click
here for why. (
Try dryer
balls too.
CHALLENGING: Be aware that clothing marked
as stain-resistant or waterproof is often treated with toxic chemicals.
Avoid buying these. Click
here for
EASY: Instead of paper towels use reusable cloth towels or old rags when
Gives a Crap or Betterway plant
based toilet paper - no plastic packaging and the TP comes from recycled
office paper
or bamboo. They also have paper
and Kleenex type tissues.
EASY: At home recycle glass, cans, newsprint,
paper, cardboard, and plastic. Most curbside recycling programs take these.
CHALLENGING: Advocate with your employer,
company, or institution to recycle glass, cans, paper, and plastic.
EASY: Wash dishes and laundry on a full load.
(Update: Many modern dishwashers are more energy efficient and
use less water to run 2 half full loads than washing the dishes by
hand. Click
CHALLENGING: Install a system at your home to capture and store rainwater.
EASY: Tell a neighbor, friend, or co-worker about a green practice you’ve
been doing.
CHALLENGING: Write articles/stories for newsletters or your local paper to
help others get in touch with possible actions they can take to further environmental
EASY: When possible, use a microwave, toaster oven, or slow cooker rather
than an oven/range to save energy.
CHALLENGING: If you’ve already calculated
your carbon footprint and are ready to reduce it further, consider a professional
energy audit of your
to improve energy efficiency. For info click
here. Also, for federal tax rebates currently available
for sustainability upgrades.for home energy audits, click
EASY: Newspapers often come wrapped in plastic bags. If you don’t have
a dog or other use for it most grocery stores have recycling bins for such
plastic film since it can’t go in curbside recycling.
CHALLENGING: If your local grocery store still
uses plastic bags, join or start a plastic bag free movement in your area. Past
Plastics-Cincinnati Coalition is an example.
EASY: Take public transportation or carpool when possible.
air travel. Online meetings have helped with decreasing air travel but
consider that optional travel (like vacations) might have the
side benefit of exploring the land & communities along the way.
EASY: Read the Introduction to Laudato
Si'. It’s only 6 pages.
CHALLENGING: Commit to reading the whole document (72 pages) over the next
6 months. Perhaps ask a friend to accompany you in this reading.
EASY: Clothing, particularly petroleum based garments, are often treated
with flame retardant chemicals (PFAS). Learn ways to “greenify” your
closet here,
CHALLENGING: Get involved in your local fibershed community!
EASY: During this Holy Week reflect on scriptures related to humility (Phil.
2: 6-8). Examine how you may think of yourself as better than other humans,
animals, and nature.
CHALLENGING: During this Holy Week reflect on scriptures related to suffering
(John 18-1 – 19:42). 2: 6-8) Examine how your desire to live comfortably
may contribute to the suffering of others who don’t have as much money,
health, or education.
63. FOOD
EASY: Compost kitchen waste in a container or a remote part of your yard.
CHALLENGING: Veggies are good, but roots are better. Wondering which foods
deliver the absolute most nutrients for the absolute least emissions it’s…carrots.
(The Climate Diet by Paul Greenberg)
64. EDUCATE YOURSELF - Earth Day is Apr. 22, 2023
EASY: Read Chapter 1 of Laudato
Si' (pgs.
CHALLENGING: Choose one section of Chapter 1
to take an action on (Pollution, Water, Biodiversity, Breakdown of Society,
Inequality, Weak Responses, Opinions)
EASY: Pick up trash along a walking-jogging route.
CHALLENGING: Plant a garden that will attract pollinators. Butterflies, bees,
and birds can be your friends.
EASY: “If we can get the banks to shift, that would probably have more
global impact than getting Congress to shift.” (Bill McKibben) To find
out how banking and pollution are connected read about Third
CHALLENGING: Find out if your bank has large investments in fossil fuels. JPMorgan
Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, and Wells Fargo are among the top contenders.
Act on this information.
EASY: May Mother Nature nurture your mom today. If your gift is a meal, make
it meatless. If your gift is an adventure hike in nature. If your gift
is a memory, share stories of your mother’s kindness.
CHALLENGING: Do all three!
68. EDUCATE YOURSELF (LS, Chapter 2)
The Gospel of Creation
EASY: Read Chapter 2 of Laudato
Si' (sections 62-100)
CHALLENGING: Choose one section (Faith, Biblical Accounts, the Universe,
Harmony of Creation, Universal Communion, Goods, or Gaze of Jesus) to
take an action
on. Optional Generic ECO-TIP:
EASY: Read an article about the environmental crisis / ecological justice.
Google it.
CHALLENGING: Read a book about the environmental crisis and ecological justice.
EASY: Restaurant eating - To avoid Styrofoam
bring your own “doggie
bag or box”
CHALLENGING: When grocery shopping avoid food/drinks held together with
plastic. Some stores use cardboard instead or buy a bigger bottle.
EASY: Turn off appliances when not in use. Think TV, computer, etc.
CHALLENGING: Purchase Energy Star appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher,
washer/dryer, water heater, dehumidifier) and high efficiency furnace,
air conditioner, and
EASY: Avoid plastic cling wrap, plastic bags or containers, especially if they
can only be used one time and then discarded.
CHALLENGING: Consider alternatives to plastic food containers such as glass
jars, silicone containers & lids, beeswax wraps, etc. Do some research.
EASY: Spend some time walking, hiking, or biking
in nature this week.
CHALLENGING: Try to avoid using a car for one day (or at least one trip) this
week. Learn what public transportation is available in your area and substitute
it (or share a ride with a friend) to minimize car use.
EASY: Inform yourself about the U.N. Plastics Treaty (
by watching this 3½ minute video supported by The Story of Stuff Project.
Ask yourself what you can do to support the treaty’s goals and passage.
CHALLENGING: If you can take the time and are willing to be disturbed, I challenge
you to watch at least one of these 3 videos (each about 45 min.)
The Recycling Myth ( - password: why22)
We, the Guinea Pigs ( - password: why22)
Coca-cola's Plastic Promises (
- password: why22)
74. EDUCATE YOURSELF more on Laudato Si’
EASY: Read Laudato Si’ Chapter 3 ( on The Human Roots
of the Ecological Crisis which covers Technology, Globalization, and Anthropocentrism.
After reading Chapter 3, figure out what “Anthropocentrism” means.
Google it if you must.
CHALLENGING: Explain “Anthropocentrism” to someone.?? Optional Generic ECO-TIP:
EASY: Seek out someone who is impacted by global warming (a farmer, shop keeper,
someone who has lost a job…) and listen to their challenges.
CHALLENGING: Learn about the brands you buy by reading Behind the Brands and
consider whether you should change any ways you spend your money.
EASY: If the nature of your job allows, work at home one day a week. If not,
try public transportation.
CHALLENGING: Purchase a fuel-efficient car such as a hybrid or electric
EASY: Turn off the water faucet while brushing teeth or shaving.
CHALLENGING: Try taking a shower in the time that your favorite song lasts.
(The challenging part is choosing and playing a short favorite song.??)
EASY: Read the 3 page EarthBeat article, Calling
fossil fuel investments sinful, global interfaith coalition outlines moral
standards for climate
CHALLENGING: Ponder the EarthBeat article. Decide what you agree or disagree
with. Is there a faith congregation that you can propose an action to?
79. EDUCATE YOURSELF more on Laudato Si’
EASY: Read Laudato Si’ chapter 4 ( on Integral Ecology
(paragraphs 137-162) which covers the ecology of Economics, Daily Life, the
Common Good, Generational Justice, and more.
CHALLENGING: As a result of your reading choose
1 new action to implement in your life. Optional Generic ECO-TIP:
EASY: Spend 5 minutes checking out the website Skeptical Science. What do you think?
CHALLENGING: Read 1 article on Skeptical Science
and discuss it with a friend or skeptic
EASY: For community meals: Instead of plastic
utensils, carry a metal collapsible cutlery set or a Spork
CHALLENGING: At home, avoid Teflon coated non-stick pans as Teflon contains
plastic. Invest in ceramic pans instead.
EASY: Review my Eco-Friendly household cleaning products list at
CHALLENGING: Choose one new product to try.
EASY: Turn off computers and other appliances when not in use.
CHALLENGING: Clean or replace filters for all appliances/furnace/air conditioners
that have filters.
83. EDUCATE YOURSELF more on Laudato Si’
EASY: Read Laudato Si’ Chapter 5 (,,Sections 163-201) on
Taking Action on International, National, and Local Dialogue, Decision Making,
Politics & the Economy, Religious Dialogue.
CHALLENGING: Decide one of the above topics to act on. Optional Generic ECO-TIP:
EASY: Google Regenerative agriculture vs Industrial agriculture. Do you understand
the difference? Then google “What are the pros & cons of Industrial
CHALLENGING:. Choose a Regenerative agriculture farming practice to support.
84. FOOD
EASY: Support farmers and reduce food-miles by buying local produce
CHALLENGING: Commit to a “hunger meal” once
a week. This might mean skipping the meal or eating only 1 item (like an apple
or simple vegetable.)
EASY: When shopping for clothes, evaluate whether you really need another
x. Count how many you already have?
CHALLENGING:.If you decide the clothing item really is a necessary purchase,
evaluate the material it is made out of. Prioritize natural materials rather
than synthetics, acrylics, etc.
EASY: Take a hike in the woods. Listen to the subtle sounds of nature. How
many can you identify?
CHALLENGING: In addition to a hike in the woods, “hike” through
the poorest neighborhood of your city/town. Listen to the sounds. Are they
any different?
87. EDUCATE YOURSELF more on Laudato Si’
EASY: Read 2 of the 9 sub-chapters of Laudato Si’ Chapter 6 (
on Ecological Education & Spirituality. (Sections 202-245) Why were these
2 of special interest to you?
CHALLENGING: Read the other 7 sub-chapters. It’s a lot to digest. Which
of them calls you to action? Optional Generic ECO-TIP
EASY: Find a newspaper article to read about what your city/town is doing
(or not doing) to protect the environment.
CHALLENGING:. Figure out a way to join those who are working to protect the
88. PLASTIC EASY: To reduce Single Use Plastics (SUPS) carry snacks from home (fruit,
nuts, etc.) in a paper bag or reusable bag
CHALLENGING: Buy juices and soft drinks in cans
rather than plastic bottles. After use, recycle them.
89. ENERGY EASY: Repair leaks around windows/doors. Lock windows to seal
CHALLENGING: Repair hot water leaks. Insulate
water heater (blanket)
and hot water pipes (wrap).
EASY: When shopping, look for items made as close to home as possible as a
way to help reduce the carbon footprint of global shipping. Not only will
you save money but also help preserve natural resources.
CHALLENGING: Also look for items that have a reputation for being sustainably
made (compostable phone cases, sunglasses made from recycled ocean plastics,
EASY: Dental care: Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
CHALLENGING: Consider a bamboo toothbrush. Try silk dental floss; many come
in refillable glass containers. Check out toothpaste tablets instead of a plastic
92. SPIRITUALITY (within Laudato Si’)
EASY: Bring your environmental hopes and concerns
to prayer. Read A Prayer for our Earth and A Christian Prayer
In Union With Creation (final paragraph
of Laudato Si' - before the
CHALLENGING: Choose the prayer you identify
most with and meditate on how this applies to your life and act on it. Optional Spiritualiy ECO-TIP
EASY: Reflect on your environmental hopes and
concerns. Find a prayer or meditation in your faith tradition for our earth
and environment.
CHALLENGING: Meditate on how this reflection applies
to your life and act on it.
EASY: If you must use plastic bags, when possible rinse them out after use
and reuse.
CHALLENGING: Batteries, printer cartridges,
and cell phones are often hard to recycle. Urge your city or county to implement
periodic collections of hazardous waste materials like these.
95. NATURE EASY: Enjoy house plants and pets to bring a bit of nature inside your
living space.
CHALLENGING: Over the Thanksgiving holiday invite your family to
take a walk/hike in nature. Thank our Creator for the beauty and value of nature.
Reasons Not To Go Shopping On Black
Friday, or on many other days.
96. FOOD
EASY: Don’t waste food. Only put food on your plate that you think you
can reasonably eat.
CHALLENGING: Only buy food that you think you will consume and use all that
you buy.
EASY: As we approach Christmas, it’s tempting to put the rest of life
on hold. But…think now about at least 1 way to reduce waste during the
holidays. Maybe buy less, decorate more simply…
CHALLENGING: Read Pope Francis recent 15 page
letter on the climate crisis, Laudate
Deum, for inspiration.
It’s worth the time.
EASY: Read 30+
Eco-Friendly Tips for a Sustainable Holiday. Choose
1 to implement.
CHALLENGING: Choose 5 of the Eco-Friendly
Tips to do and make sure at least
1 is a new practice for you.
EASY: Re-use paper, boxes, & bags from prior
years. If purchasing holiday lights be sure they are LEDs.
CHALLENGING: Make a wreath out of objects found in nature.
EASY: Relax. Focus on the person you are giving a gift to more than fancy
wrapping. Perhaps use a cloth bag and slip in a heartfelt note to the recipient.
CHALLENGING: Buy next year’s gifts/wrappings during this year’s
clearance sales.
EASY: Say no to single-use plastic straws and take away coffee cups.
CHALLENGING: Bring your own reusable carryout cup, OR slow down, relax and
drink your beverage at the eatery.
EASY: Layer Up – During cold months wear an extra layer around your home
thus allowing you to lower the setting on your thermostat.
CHALLENGING: Install a programmable thermostat which allows you to automatically
reduce heating at night or when no one is home.
EASY: Instead of disposable tissues, use handkerchiefs when possible.
CHALLENGING: Instead of paper copies of stuff, use electronic media when possible/practical.
EASY: Buy Products with less packaging.
CHALLENGING: If/when your computer, printer, phone,
or other tech equipment has become obsolete, research how to safely dispose
of these devices.
EASY: Meditate once a week on your relationship with the ecosystem in which
you live.
CHALLENGING: Commit to act on at least one environmental cause that concerns
you. Write a letter to the editor, join an environmental group, donate to
an eco-cause…
EASY: Talk to a neighbor or friend about your
commitment to care for planet earth and an eco-friendly practice you do.
Sign up for Katharine Hayhoe’s
climate newsletter.
CHALLENGING: Call, write, or email your mayor
or other community leader about how climate affects your region. Ask them
to take action. Extra credit: Do
the same for your senator or representative. Click
here for contact information. .
107. GENEROSITY (Lent-Spiritual)
EASY: As Christians prune our lives and spirits during Lent (starting Feb.
14), look for 1 item a week to give away to someone in need.
CHALLENGING: How about looking for 1 item a day until Easter to give away to
someone in need.
EASY: When shopping, look for items made as close to home as possible to support
local businesses and reduce the carbon footprint of shipping.
CHALLENGING: When shopping focus on sustainably made products (compostable
phone cases, sunglasses made from recycled ocean plastics, etc.) Be brave enough
to not be a slave to fast fashion.
EASY: Avoid chewing gum. It’s made with plastic.
CHALLENGING: Research what your local garbage collection company does with
plastic trash. Then research what organizations are available in your community
that recycle #1, #2, and #5 plastics.
110. FOOD - MEATLESS MONDAYS EASY: Christians often fast from meat on Fridays during Lent. Why not
add Meatless Mondays till Easter. (
Generic ECO TIP:
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions that result from the production
of meat, try eating less meat. You can start with Meatless Mondays for a month.
CHALLENGING:Commit to Meatless Mondays for the rest of the year. Eating less (or no) meat
reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
EASY: Watch the inspiring 14 minute Ted talk Are
We the Last Generation?...” by Hannah Ritchie about hope for a sustainable future. (Alert: be patient with
the 14 second promo ad leading into the video.)
CHALLENGING: You found the bottom right sound icon & put up with the video
ad; Now take one action prompted by this Ted talk to spread a message of hope.
EASY: Reduce the environmental impact of your driving by driving no more than
the speed limit, making easy stops and starts, not idling.
CHALLENGING: Burn less gas by keeping your car tuned up, change the oil/air
filters regularly, when using the AC use the recirculating mode. Consider buying
an electric vehicle.
EASY: Install a power strip for appliances to avoid drawing ghost electricity.
CHALLENGING: Set your refrigerator at 36F to 42F, your freezer at -5F to +6F,
and your water heater at 120F.
114. SPIRITUALITY (Easter)
EASY: At Eastertime Christians remember Jesus’ resurrection. May we each
rise above taking our life on Earth for granted. What specific action can I
take to honor God’s creation this week.
Optional Generic ECO TIP:
We humans are not the center of the universe. What specific action can I
take to honor creation by caring for another - animal, plant, air, ground,
or water
this week.
CHALLENGING: Beyond my personal and family lifestyle, what actions can I
take with others to protect creation for future generations? Start doing
EASY: Review the cleaning products you use for the kitchen and bathroom.
How many are made of single use plastics (SUPs)? If you can refill the
container you don’t need to count it – yet.
CHALLENGING: Decide to find substitutes for at least 10% of your SUP containers.
Click here for options.
116. EARTH DAY 2024
EASY: April 22 is Earth Day 2024. Planet vs
Plastics is the theme this year. Commit to not using or buying any plastic
on April
CHALLENGING: Educate yourself on ways to reduce
your use of plastics in general. Click
here to read many ways. Choose at least 1 new action to take.
EASY: Plant a vegetable or fruit in your yard or near a window. If your dwelling
cannot support a home-grown crop, check out if there is a community garden
near you.
CHALLENGING: Plant a full vegetable garden or join a community garden near
EASY: Review the cleaning products you use for the kitchen and bathroom.
How many are made of single use plastics (SUPs)? If you can refill the
you don’t need to count it – yet.
CHALLENGING: Decide to find substitutes for at least 10% of your SUP containers.
Click here for options. Pick at least one new action from this Eco-Friendly
Spring Cleaning checklist.)
120. WATER
EASY: To conserve water, wash your car less frequently.
CHALLENGING: When your car does need washing,
consider using a commercial car wash. The average homeowner uses more than
100 gallons of water to wash
a car, while most car washes use far less water. Tip: Using a hose nozzle
to stop the constant water flow can reduce the water volume significantly..
EASY: Promote a green practice with a fellow
worker, client, customer, student.
CHALLENGING: Submit a public comment on
proposed federal regulations. You can find opportunities at
122. FOOD
EASY: Veggies are good. Especially think root
crops like carrots. Carrots provide the absolute most nutrients for the least
(The Climate Diet
by Paul Greenberg)
CHALLENGING: It takes some time, but try planting your own
carrots or other healthy crop.
EASY: When possible, use stairs instead
of elevators. It can double as exercise.
CHALLENGING: During hot weather minimize
air conditioner use by using a small fan or maybe install a whole house fan.
EASY: When shopping, consider an email or digital receipt
instead of a printed copy. Digital receipts are easier to save and organize,
plus they reduce paper
CHALLENGING: When making major purchases, consider the environmental
impact, particularly production and transportation, and seek ways to minimize
EASY: Take a walk in the woods for fun and
CHALLENGING: Keep wooded areas clean by
taking a non-plastic container to pick up trash.
Part #1
EASY: Skim the 8 point overview about Plastic Free July (
and sign up for at least 1 day of the Challenge.
CHALLENGING: Sign up for the
whole month of the Plastic Free July Challenge.
JULY - Part #2
EASY: Take the Pesky
Plastics Quiz (about 5 min.)
CHALLENGING: Choose at least 1 of the 8 areas
to focus on (Getting Started, Next Steps, Work, School, Events, For Business,
My Community, Local
and follow up.
EASY: Tell a friend, neighbor, or co-worker
about Plastic Free July and what you are doing.
CHALLENGING: Explore the whole
Plastic Free July website and decide where to continue investing your energy.
EASY: Mend any damaged clothing or buy secondhand clothing.
Petroleum based (PFAS) clothing which are often treated with flame retardant
chemicals. Check out 10
PFAS-Free Apparel Brands.
EASY: August 1 is Earth
Overshoot Day. Review
this website to find out what it’s
all about AND/OR finish up Plastic Free July by checking out 64
Ways To Reduce Plastic.
CHALLENGING: Decide one significant action you
can take to reduce your impact on global warming during the week of Earth
Overshoot Day.
Share it with a friend.
131. BATHROOM EASY: Purchase body, facial, and shampoo soaps that come in bar form
to avoid plastic containers.
CHALLENGING: Go the extra mile and choose products
that list natural ingredients
and come in paper or compostable packaging.
132. NURTURE NATURE EASY: Plant something that
grows in your yard or home – (a flower, plant,
shrub, or tree) CHALLENGING: Plant a shrub or tree beyond your own home in
a place that is tree bare. Care for it.
133. TRANSPORTATION EASY: Reduce carbon emissions by keeping whatever motor vehicle you
have running efficiently. Do routine maintenance like oil changes, check tire
CHALLENGING: Set aside one day a week (or month) to walk, bike, or use
public transit to work or the store. If you don’t need regular car transportation
for work, smile and appreciate your blessing.
134. PROTECT NATURE EASY: As you walk your neighborhood, notice
what is living and what might be dying. Check if any public area needs watering.
Even if it’s only
your own yard, do it.
CHALLENGING: Look beyond where you live. Is there an animal
habitat that seems threatened? Is there a way you can restore it? Protest a
local environmental
135. REDUCE/REUSE/RECYCLE EASY: With the recent
Paris Olympics in mind, read about how athletes received their gold medals
while standing on trash. Click
here for the July 6, 2024 New York Times article.
CHALLENGING: Think of a creative way to repurpose
something you would normally just put in the garbage.
136. SPIRITUAL EASY: Meditate this week on how I can reduce my consumption of goods
and choose one action to take.
CHALLENGING: Meditate regularly on simplifying
my life. Find a way to multiply
your insights with the broader community through writing or speaking.
137. PLASTIC STRAWS EASY: Don’t buy plastic
straws for home use. Decline them when offered at restaurants.
CHALLENGING:If a straw is necessary at home (or you just really like using one) try a bamboo
or reusable metal one.
138. ENERGY USE EASY: Try an electricity free
day. Candlelight at night can be romantic. It’s
OK to keep the refrigerator or other essential appliance running.
CHALLENGING: Consider whether you can eliminate one electric appliance (shaver, fan, dryer,
AC) from your home – or at least reduce its use.
139. PAPER EASY: Stop junk mail. Opt out at 1-888-567-8688 or click
here to find
Use recycled, post-consumer paper products for kitchen, bathroom,
and cleaning.
140. CLEANING EASY: Avoid cleaning products packaged in plastic. Since doing this
100% is practically impossible, to start, review your current cleaning products
list which ones come in plastic containers.
CHALLENGING: Avoid spray or disposable
products for cleaning. Find substitute cleaning products (not packaged in plastic)
for 1 or 2 cleaning products. Check
Cleancult and Blueland for ideas.
141. CLOTHING EASY: Got stuff you’re not
wearing anymore? Donate them to a local charity, church, or resale store. BUT…
donate torn, soiled clothing that cannot be worn and will therefore burden
others. Click here (
for alternative donation possibilities.
142. CLUTTER EASY: Pick one day this week (perhaps
laundry day) to check one room of your home for stuff that’s laying around unused or not put away. Collect the
loose stuff. Put it near the front door to remind you to find a permanent home
for it (even if it’s just the trash).
CHALLENGING: Do this “Clutter Check” weekly
or monthly. Research local organizations/people who can pass your extras on
to someone who needs
them more than you.
143. HALLOWEEN EASY: With Halloween approaching,
folks buy candy/trinkets to give away. Fine. But…also consider treats
that are healthy for the body and spirit. Perhaps something with minimal sugar
but still fun.
CHALLENGING: My own family of origin gave away pretzels because
my dentist father didn’t want to promote tooth decay. It did decrease the number
of trick-or-treaters we got ?, but maybe you could come up with a more appealing
treat – maybe a cute book mark, a sweet apple, …Be creative.
HEATING EASY: Winter heating: Change the air filter on your furnace once per
month during the heating season. A dirty filter restricts air flow and causes
system to run less efficiently.
CHALLENGING: Inspect the ductwork in exposed
areas (basement or attic). Repair any leaks from electrical lines, plumbing,
and gas pipes from outdoors. Seal
with foam insulation OR, If your heating system is in need of repair, replace
it with an ENERGY STAR®-certified furnace, boiler or heat pump.
145. FOOD EASY: Ease up on the meat and cheese; consider chicken and wild fish
CHALLENGING: Buy locally sourced and organic food. It is estimated that
food production and transportation account for 13 percent of all greenhouse gas
emissions in the USA, primarily in the form of fuel and fertilizer.
146. PLASTIC REDUCTION EASY: Pack a lunch when possible, instead of buying it.
CHALLENGING: If you smoke cigarettes (or know someone
who does), consider that quitting can help the environment. By sheer numbers,
cigarette butts top
the list of plastics littering the world’s beaches.
147. TRANSPORTATION EASY: Reduce car transportation by using public transit, biking, or
walking when possible.
CHALLENGING: Can you get by with 1 less vehicle for your
household? What if
you only have 1 vehicle? Is it a hybrid or electric?
PREP EASY: Consider reducing the number of gifts you purchase. Agree with
family/friends on a limit to the number of gifts or cost.
of separate visits to all of your friends during the
holiday season, consider hosting an open house. Perhaps have a used/homemade
gift exchange.
149. HOLIDAY CARDS EASY: Holiday cards? Consider sending personalized E-cards to save paper
and cost.
CHALLENGING: Or for print cards research companies and organizations
offset their carbon footprint by planting trees for each card order.
150. GIFT GIVING EASY: If you are going out to buy gifts, make as few driving trips as
possible, thereby reducing your carbon footprint.
CHALLENGING: When possible,
buy from local vendors, crafts artists, grocers, farmer's markets…
WRAPPING PRESENTS EASY: Recycle cardboard cores from wrapping paper.
buying tissue paper. If you already have some, use it/re-use it (Tissue paper
can't be recycled.)
152. STARTING A NEW YEAR EASY: Review 2024 with an environmental
eye. Make at least one New Year’s
Resolution that involves an environmentally friendly new practice.
CHALLENGING:Looking ahead to 2025 and knowing that global warming remains a serious threat,
decide one political or public action you can take to influence
positive systemic environmental progress.
153. CLOTHING EASY: Perhaps you got a new piece of clothing for Christmas. Swap out
a similar piece by donating it to a secondhand store - or at least retire it
as a rag.
CHALLENGING: If you genuinely need a new piece of clothing, evaluate
the fabric
it’s made of. Seek natural fibers. Avoid petroleum-based fabrics such
as nylon, polyester, and fleece when possible.
154. MEDICINE CABINET MAINTENANCE EASY: Review your bathroom medicine cabinet for duplicates and out
of date medicines. Pick at least one duplicate item to donate to a homeless
Discard expired medications.
CHALLENGING: Count how many plastic containers
are in your medicine cabinet. Can you reduce the number by half? Examples:
replace bottled shampoo or lotions
with bars.
155. ENERGY USE EASY: Beyond heating, cooling,
cooking, and lighting, count the items in your home that run on electricity.
Is there anything you haven’t used in a
CHALLENGING: Give away any electrical devices you haven’t used in
a year. Consider setting your computer to turn off after 15 minutes of inactivity.
156. EDUCATING YOURSELF & OTHERS EASY: Use the library or internet to educate yourself instead of buying
books - except mine :-)
CHALLENGING: Encourage others (your office, schools, religious
etc) to recycle. Multiply your personal efforts by motivating others.
EASY: Reduce use of plastic bags as
much as possible by refusing, reducing use, using a paper bag, or (if it's
small) just carry it.
CHALLENGING: Additional alternatives to plastic bags are
canvas bags, a packing box, or put it in a backpack.
158. DRINK WATER EASY:Drink water from the tap. It is by far the cheapest drink in both
emissions and money. It also avoids plastic bottles and usually has fluoride
for healthy
CHALLENGING: Consider buying a reusable water filter dispenser to reduce
chlorine, lead, mercury… I use the Pur dispensers with a filter.
159. TRASH
EASY: Walk around your neighborhood with a garbage bag to pick up trash and
CHALLENGING: Post your experience on social media or talk with others to multiply
your effort.
160. PAPER
EASY: When possible, avoid unnecessary use
of paper by using email, text messages...
paper is essential, try recycled, post-consumer, acid-free note/office paper
or paper from a tree
EASY: What’s the messiest place in your home? Perhaps the entry way
or kitchen? Choose one category of items (hats, kitchen notes…) to review.
Recycle or dispose extras.
CHALLENGING: Consider decluttering not only your
material possessions but also your mind. What grudges, angers, or hurts, are
you holding on to. Declutter
your mind.
Susan Vogt
Author, Speaker, Coach
523 E. Southern Ave. : Covington, KY 41015
Phone: (859) 291-6197 : Fax: (859) 291-4742
E-Mail: : Website: