While we’re on a costume theme, I thought you’d enjoy the two dresses I donated to our local contra dance dress swap. As you may know, contra dancing is a form of folk dancing that has some similarities to square dancing except we don’t dance in squares or wear costumes, i.e. skirts over petticoats for women and string ties for men. Our kids, however, always claimed that there really are “contra costumes” in that people wear a lot of weird clothes that would never pass the fashion police. In addition to white socks with dress shoes and dresses for women, a few men occasionally wear skirts as a counter cultural statement of boldness.
When I handed over my two dresses as my donation to the dress swap, I explained to the hostess that I’d like to take a photo for my blog. She readily held one up in front of her and wrapped the pink wrap-around skirt around her nearby gentleman friend. He graciously obliged but I wonder what I’ll owe my reluctant model.